Sunday 29 November 2015

Kill all sessions connected to database in SQL server 2012 and above

The following script will kill all the sessions connected to database. It works well for 2012 and above , but i have not tried this on 2008 or 2005 version.I think it will work those versions too


declare @dbname1 varchar (60) ='<pass the database name here>'
declare @kilogin varchar(1000)
declare @killkilogin cursor
set @killkilogin=cursor
for  select 'kill '+convert (varchar(50),spid)+';' from sys.sysprocesses
where dbid=DB_id(@dbname1)
open @killkilogin
fetch next from @killkilogin into @kilogin
while @@fetch_status=0
declare @q1 varchar(1000)=@kilogin
 exec (@kilogin)
 print (@kilogin)

fetch next from @killkilogin into @kilogin
close @killkilogin
deallocate @killkilogin;
 print 'all connection to '+@dbname1+' is killed '


Sometimes you will get the below error

Msg 6104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot use KILL to kill your own process.

That means you are running the above query in the database which you are wished to kill all
sessions connected to it. you the DIFFERENT DATABASE and rerun the above script.



1 comment:

  1. $servernames= gc F:\copypower2\server.txt

    foreach($servername in $servernames){
    $str="connection made possible"
    $str1=" connection not made to the server"
    $computer=Test-connection -computer $servername -quiet
    if($computer -eq "True")
    remove-item \\$servername\F$\copypower2\put.txt
    Add-Content F:\copypower2\conn.txt $servername$str" item removed was put.txt "
    Copy-Item \\$servername\F$\copypower\put.txt -Destination \\$servername\F$\copypower2\
    Add-Content F:\copypower2\conn.txt $servername$str" item added was put.txt "
    { Add-Content F:\copypower2\unconn.txt $servername$str1 }
